During week 5 I started to foam my first speaker box. The process includes cutting the sheet's of foam to the right size and form and staple them into the pre-constructed boxes with a staple gun.
Problem encountered?: The awkwardness of stapling upside-down when putting the foam in.
During week 4 I started to think about how I am going to foam my boxes and have filed the wood out the sections of wood where the connections from the speaker cones and crossover are so the speaker cones sit flush.
During week 3 I unwrapped the strops and news paper from my boxes. I then started to sand them to get the excess glue off of the exterior of the cabinets.
Problem encountred: I sanded to hard in one section of the back and the Mighte'd joint is showing.
Fixed how?: I don't really mind but I may cover it up with the stain I'm using.
During week 2 of term 3 I glued/constructed my speaker boxes. The process included creating L clamps out of MDF to go on the sides of the boxes to create a larger surface area so the strops don't dig into the wood.
problem encountred: I drooped one of the front pieces so it has a 1x1 cm notch taken out of the corner
Solver?: I am going to use a filler/putty to fix the hole on the cabinet.
Mr. Mac gave the class a brief over view of what's happening this term, what is expected of us and when the dead lines are.This term we should have the boxes complete, including cut out, foamed, glued, painted and our crossovers finished.